Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Green Wish 2.0

My green wish is that our high school can use barrels to collect rain water. Therefore the rain water we collect can be used to water our high schools greenhouse. Even better we could put a green roof on our high school and use the rain water we collect to irrigate the green roof. As a result of putting a green roof on our high school we would consume carbon dioxide and produce oxygen which would a great impact on our community.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


The Equinox is when exactly twelve hour of day and twelve hours of night, this happens because of way the the earth is tilted all parts of the earth are getting an equal amount of sunlight. During the equinox the earths 22 degree tilt is facing directly into empty space, this is the variable that allow for the entire earth to get an equal amount of sunlight.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Article Summary

Students at Gilpin pre k-8 noticed trash in the stormdrains surround their school. To combat this problem they wrote to the Denver public works department. The students cleaning the stormdrains so much they decide to spread their knowledge.

Students from cardinal ritter high school had a contest to collect the most ciggarette butts in their community. As a result of the contest 31.4 pounds of ciggarette debris has been collected.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Green Wish

My green wish would be to use barrels to rain water which in turn could be used to water the plants in our schools green house.